Thank you Mark. What a great interview. I've so not used to be a guest, rather, being the interviewer. Hope your listeners enjoy it, too. Y'all can get my book at amzn.to/3PGI0u5

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May 1Edited

Great interview! With wonderful supplements to Abe’s awesome book! Abe and I connected when he reached out to me to share the song ( I also did not know about before ) that his Uncle Wolf wrote with my Uncle Leyb in the Holocaust camp Klooga. Wolf wrote the music and my uncle Leyb wrote the original lyrics in Yiddish “ Lomir Shvaygn/ Let’s Be Silent”. How awesome that Abe has turned this into a powerful song for today - an ever important stance- WON’T BE SILENT! Thank You Abe! Abe’s book of same title is fabulous - a must read! I am so proud and honored to call him my new forever friend, a friendship our uncles had but cut too short.

Read more about Leyb and the song on www.Chayela.com/leyb-rosenthal/

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