Remarkable! (A Podcast)
Remarkable! (A Podcast)
Navigating Success: Challenges and Triumphs of Being a Woman in the Restaurant Industry

Navigating Success: Challenges and Triumphs of Being a Woman in the Restaurant Industry

Kristina Goode | Ep. 23

I’m back with my guest, Kristina Goode-Crook, co-owner, co-founder, and general manager of MarketSteer Steakhouse in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In today's episode, we discuss how gender bias has impacted her career, from raising funds to start her restaurant, to interacting with landlords and contractors.  We also discuss sexual harassment, not only directed at her but also at members of her staff.

Kristina’s story is a testament to her resilience and determination to overcome the unique challenge as a woman co-owning and managing a steakhouse—a domain traditionally dominated by men.

Listen to the first two minutes of the show . . .


Four Takeaways from the Podcast:

  1. Perseverance in the Face of Financial Barriers: Discover how Kristina and Kat broke through the financial barriers by continually persisting despite many rejections.

  2. Setting Boundaries in Professional Spaces: Learn about Kristina’s strategies for handling sexual harassment and maintaining professional boundaries.

  3. Empathy as a Leadership Strength: Explore how empathy and consensus-building are not just soft skills but crucial leadership strategies.

  4. Breaking Stereotypes: Understand the persistent gender stereotypes in the restaurant industry and how Kristina flips these on their head, turning them into her strengths.

The Gender Gap in Business Funding

One of the most intriguing parts of our conversation revolves around the challenges Kristina faced while raising money for her restaurant. Did being a woman make it more difficult to secure loans? Kristina shares some eye-opening statistics and personal anecdotes that will make you rethink the obstacles women face in business. Despite numerous meetings with bankers and countless business plans, the financial world wasn’t ready to trust two women with their ambitious dream. Listen to get the inside scoop.

Battling Gender Bias and Harassment

Kristina tackles the uncomfortable yet important topic of sexual harassment in the restaurant industry, providing a candid perspective that many might not expect. She shares the “dance” she has had to master, a balancing act of deflection and resilience, to navigate the minefield of inappropriate behavior while maintaining her professional integrity and career growth. Beyond personal anecdotes, she discusses how she has created a safe and respectful work environment for her employees at MarketSteer Steakhouse, including her zero-tolerance policy towards harassment. How does she handle unruly customers who cross the line? Is there a different approach when the harasser is a customer versus an employee? This episode offers valuable lessons not just for those in the restaurant business, but for anyone facing similar challenges in their career.

Strength in Empathy and Consensus

Another poignant topic is the stereotyping of women’s roles in both the kitchen and the boardroom. Kristina illustrates this with stories of how she and her partner Kat have had to repeatedly prove their worth and navigate through male-dominant spaces, whether dealing with contractors or patrons. Interestingly, Kristina believes women may have an edge due to their empathy and ability to build consensus—skills that have proven invaluable in managing her team and overseeing the construction of their new venue. Yet, despite their successful track record, they often get mistaken for less authoritative roles. What persistent stereotypes do they encounter, and how do they handle being underestimated? Kristina’s clever anecdotes and practical insights offer a refreshing perspective on leadership.

Ready for more insights and real-life strategies? Listen to the full episode and dive deeper into Kristina’s journey to success in a male-dominated field.

Remarkable! (A Podcast)
Remarkable! (A Podcast)
Great stories move us, inspire us, and open us up to a world of possibilities. At ReMarkable, I share great stories from the people who lived them.