Hello Mark - thank you for sharing your story.

While I enjoyed your generally optimistic and uplifting reading of the recent US history, I am curious to learn more about what you think our foundational strengths are, that would help us overcome all existential crises, whether real or fabricated, that fall on our still relatively young nation.

Thanks again and happy birthday!

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Good day, Naveen - thank you for your feedback and question.

I believe our foundational strengths include first, our diversity - racial, ethnic, educational, vocational, etc. This diversity is a healthy antidote to groupthink. A second strength is a common quest for improvement. While some of our citizens look backwards for hope (e.g. Make America Great AGAIN), more seem to realize that a process of constant improvement is the path we should take. And a third strength is our resilience, which I talk more about below).

While my episode may have left you feeling hopeful, I believe it is hopeful because my recitation of a brief piece of our nation's past is one that illustrates how resilient we are in the face of existential crises, such as a potential nuclear war, an admittedly corrupt administration, the loss of a war (one we never should have fought), etc.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Mark Goode

Thank you Mark. Many other countries might make a similar claim, whether justified or not.

After spending more than half of my life in the US, I keep wondering if there is something more, something uniquely American, that is embraced and further strengthened by each new wave of new arrivals. So that is forever sustained and drives our culture.

I doubt, if during the Revolutionary times, our founders were much concerned about diversity or quest for improvement. But I think they did capture the essence of what it means to not accept injustice of any kind. Of believing in virtue (at least at that time) while also honoring the unique capabilities of each individual.

I wonder if that indomitable fighting spirit, not taking a no for an answer, and not giving ever giving up is more at play.

This is just a guess, I continue to explore this topic and look forward to following your insights.

Best wishes.

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Happy birthday, my friend!!! You make 70 seem young😉 And I thoroughly enjoyed your romp thru American history, and perfect for July 4th or a quick recap for any high school history students. (Seriously, you should teach a class!) Your sound design was impressive and added a lot to the storytelling! Bravo! And, most of all, I love that you shared a bit of your mother's journey, as she went thru so much to come to America. That's a great story to hear today, and your love for her shines strong!

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Thanks much, Ann. I love history and I hope my quick romp through a few highlights of the past sixty years helps some people put today’s challenges in a different light.

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Jul 4Liked by Mark Goode

Haaaaaaaaaa you know the rest!!!!!

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Happy Birthday, Mark!!! Wishing you a perfect celebration and a fantastic year!!

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Thank you, Cathy. Much appreciated 😊🤣

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